Setting up my event's access control

Your event is getting closer? It is time to focus on how you will welcome your attendees and control their tickets.

The WeezAccess app allows you to control tickets by loading previously configured control lists onto your account.

A control list is a group of participants to whom you allocate entry rights to your event based on the scanning area (general public area, media entrance, VIP access, etc.)

  • Include participants from one or more events or shows
  • Correspond to a physical location (Entrance A, entrance B, VIP area)
  • Correspond to a time period (3-day pass, Friday, Saturday)

By default, a control list is automatically created for each of your events or shows. These control lists normally include all participants to your event or show (Weezevent participants and potential participants from other distribution channels you may have imported).

These lists are available in your WeezAccess control app without any specific action needed on your part.

1.Control list management

1.1 Creating a control list

  • Connect to your Weezevent management interface
  • Click on the Tools icon on the top right then go to the Access Control section
  • Click on Access control lists > New access control list on the top right
  • Give your list a name (Example: Control – Day 1, Control - Day 2, Wristband collection, etc.)
  • Allocate it a colour to recognise it easily
  • Select the number of entrances that attendees will be allowed by default when added to the list
  • Click on Add a rule
    • Select the correct event
    • Select all ticket types or one at a time
  • You can add other control rules if your list includes attendees from other events for instance
  • Save

Your control list now appears in the section My access control lists as well as in the WeezAccess control app!

1.2 Editing the list

In the section My access control lists, click on the star wheel on the control list that you would like to edit. Make the edits. You can delete, add or edit any access rule.

Attendees’ access rights will be changed and any control terminals using WeezAccess will be automatically updated if they are online.

1.3 Attendee search by list and manual validation

  • Click on the icon representing a group of people (Actions column)
  • Use the search field to type the attendee’s first or last name to see their validation status on an access control list
  • Click on compost to manually validate the attendance of a participant at a checkpoint. The information (remaining entrances allowed) will automatically be communicated to the WeezAccess control app if it is connected to the internet
  • To delete a validation, click on the chosen attendee’s name then on the cross next to the scan you need. It will turn grey. The deletion cannot be undone once you have clicked on compost. You can cancel the deletion by clicking on the cross again if you have not yet clicked on submit.

Important: Deleting a scan cannot be undone

1.4 List activation / deactivation / deletion

  • Activation / deactivation: Access control lists can be deactivated and reactivated so that they appear or not in the WeezAccess control app
  • Deletion: You can delete access control lists

Important: Deleting a list causes the loss of any entry rights for attendees in that list as well as the control history for that list.

1.5 Archiving access control lists

  • You close your event
  • Your event has been over for more than 24 hours
  • Your event started more than 48 hours ago

You can see your archived lists by clicking on the button Display the archived lists. To reactivate an archived list, click on its status to change it.

If you reactivate an archived list, you will need to manually archive it when you no longer need it.

If you do not want to use automatic archiving, you can turn it off and manually archive your lists. To do this, click on Display archived lists then on Edit automatic archiving and select NO in the Use automatic archiving box.  

2. Operators management

What are operators?
They are ID codes used to control access. They will only be requested upon opening the WeezAccess app. It is possible to create as many operator profiles as desired. One profile can be used to log in to several control terminals at the same time.  

Note: An operator cannot log in to your Weezevent account using the ID that you have given them: they will not be recognised by the site. This prevents you from giving your planner password and thus access to confidential settings of your ticketing (event database, etc.)

2.1 Creating IDs

The name allows you to easily name and manage your users if you create several.  
The email ID and password allow users to log in to the WeezAccess control app and WeezAccess Pro terminals available for rent.

Don’t hesitate to make IDs simple – favour a short email address to make it easier to type it in at login stage. The email can be a fake address (e.g.:,, etc.)

2.2 Access right to the WeezAccess app

By default, each operator can access all your access control lists.  
Select and edit at any time the lists that can be accessed by each operator then click on Save to finalise their profile creation.

3. Attendance reports

You can now create tailored attendance reports by selecting the relevant access control lists. You can then export the attendance and validation data for the tickets included in the report.  

Click on Add an access control list to select the list of your choice and add it to the report you want to generate. You can see the list information by clicking on the eye icon. Aggregated validation data by ticket type will be displayed.

If you would like to delete a list from your report, hover your mouse on the relevant list and click on the bin that appears. The list will be hidden.

Once your report is ready to be generated, click on the Export button on the top right of your screen.

Two possibilities can be followed:

3.1 Attendance report

This is a .csv (Excel) export of the list including all attendees. It gives information about their passage at all the checkpoints added to the report.
The file includes in particular: the attendee’s contact details, the name of the event, the ticket type and all access control lists. For each access control list, the number of passages is indicated.

3.2 Validation history

This is a complete history of the validations in .csv (Excel) format. You can use this data to generate, for instance, statistics about the entrance time of your attendees.  
The file includes in particular: the barcode number, the name of the access control list, the name of the event, the ticket type, the attendee’s contact details, the date and time